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內容簡介: Supplemental grammar workboo博客來網路書局k博客來書店 directly aligned to the student book.
* Clear and concise grammar explanation boxes博客來博客來網路書店
* Notes within the charts to help students understand important shifts in language use and meaning
* A Varity of practice exercise to reinforce grammar skills taught in the student book
Stand Out (3) 2-e Grammar Challenge特惠價分享 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Rob Jenkins.Staci Johnson
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/05/27
- 語言:英文
Stand Out (3) 2-e Grammar Challenge特惠價分享 評比 博客來網路書局
Stand Out (3) 2-e Grammar Challenge特惠價分享
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Stand Out (3) 2-e Grammar Challenge特惠價分享